God Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Ever wonder how the word “God” pops up in everyday sayings? This post dives into idioms that mention “God” or carry a heavenly theme. Kids and beginners, you’ll find these expressions simple to understand and fun to use!

God Idioms

Here are 20 God idioms in English.

1. Act of God

Meaning: A natural disaster
Example: The flood was an act of God.

2. God willing

Meaning: If everything goes as planned
Example: We’ll meet tomorrow, God willing.

3. Play God

Meaning: Control others’ fates
Example: He’s playing God with his decisions.

4. God forbid

Meaning: Let’s hope it doesn’t happen
Example: God forbid anything bad happens!

5. God’s own country

Meaning: A beautiful place
Example: Kerala is God’s own country.

6. Thank God

Meaning: Express relief
Example: Thank God you’re here!

7. God knows

Meaning: No one knows
Example: God knows where it went.

8. God’s gift

Meaning: A wonderful person or thing
Example: He thinks he’s God’s gift.

9. God’s ears

Meaning: Directly, without delay
Example: I told him to his God’s ears.

10. Godsend

Meaning: An unexpected blessing
Example: That rain was a godsend.

11. Godspeed

Meaning: Wish for success
Example: I wish you Godspeed!

12. In God’s hands

Meaning: Beyond one’s control
Example: It’s all in God’s hands now.

13. Fear God

Meaning: Respect moral values
Example: You should fear God.

14. God’s word

Meaning: Something absolutely true
Example: He took it as God’s word.

15. God’s green earth

Meaning: Anywhere in the world
Example: Why on God’s green earth?

16. Swear to God

Meaning: Promise sincerely
Example: I swear to God it’s true.

17. God of War

Meaning: A fierce person
Example: He’s like the God of War.

18. Lamb of God

Meaning: Innocent person
Example: She’s a lamb of God.

19. As God is my witness

Meaning: Asserting the truth
Example: As God is my witness, I didn’t.

20. God’s plan

Meaning: Fate or destiny
Example: It must be God’s plan.

GOD Idioms