Full Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In English, we use a lot of expressions called idioms that sound funny but have a special meaning. Today, we’ll explore idioms that include the word “full.” These phrases make our language more colorful and can help you sound like a native speaker!

Full Idioms

Here are 20 full idioms in English.

  1. Full of beans

Meaning: Very energetic and lively.

Example: Tommy is full of beans today.

  1. Full throttle

Meaning: At maximum speed or effort.

Example: She’s going full throttle on the project.

  1. Full circle

Meaning: Return to the original position or state.

Example: Things have come full circle now.

  1. Full house

Meaning: A gathering with all seats or spaces filled.

Example: We had a full house at the concert.

  1. Full plate

Meaning: A lot of tasks to handle.

Example: I’ve got a full plate this week.

  1. Full steam ahead

Meaning: Proceed with as much effort as possible.

Example: It’s full steam ahead with the plans.

  1. Full tilt

Meaning: At full speed or force.

Example: He ran full tilt down the street.

  1. Full swing

Meaning: At a stage of great activity.

Example: The festival is in full swing.

  1. Full of oneself

Meaning: Overly self-assured or arrogant.

Example: He’s a bit full of himself.

  1. Full blooded

Meaning: Showing strong feelings or enthusiasm.

Example: She gave a full blooded cheer.

  1. Full-fledged

Meaning: Fully developed or trained.

Example: He’s now a full-fledged lawyer.

  1. Full of hot air

Meaning: Talking a lot but saying nothing valuable.

Example: Don’t listen to him; he’s full of hot air.

  1. Full of it

Meaning: Not telling the truth.

Example: He’s just full of it, as usual.

  1. Full blast

Meaning: With maximum power or volume.

Example: The fans are on full blast.

  1. Full on

Meaning: Intense, without restraint.

Example: It was a full on party.

  1. Full cry

Meaning: Pursuing eagerly (especially in hunting).

Example: The hounds were at full cry.

  1. Full dress

Meaning: Formal clothing for a special occasion.

Example: He was in full dress for the gala.

  1. Full up

Meaning: No capacity left.

Example: Sorry, we’re full up tonight.

  1. Full of the joys of spring

Meaning: Very happy.

Example: She was full of the joys of spring.

  1. Full of the devil

Meaning: Very mischievous.

Example: The kids are full of the devil today.

Full Idioms