Frog Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of English idioms that include the word “frog”! Idioms are phrases that mean something different from the words they use, and they make language colorful. This post is easy to understand for anyone, including kids, as we jump into the world of frog-related expressions!

Frog Idioms

Here are 20 frog idioms in English.

1. A frog in the throat

Meaning: Having a hoarse voice
Example: I can’t sing well today; I’ve got a frog in my throat.

2. To have frogs

Meaning: To be very scared
Example: He had frogs when he saw the snake.

3. Frog-eyed

Meaning: Looking surprised
Example: She was frog-eyed at the news.

4. Frog march

Meaning: To force someone to walk
Example: They frog marched the thief out.

5. Leapfrog

Meaning: To jump over obstacles
Example: He leapfrogged to advance his career.

6. Frogs and snails

Meaning: Typical boys’ interests
Example: The room was full of frogs and snails.

7. Frog up

Meaning: Mess something up
Example: He completely frogged up the project.

8. Frog’s hair

Meaning: Very fine or thin
Example: This thread is thin as frog’s hair.

9. Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey

Meaning: Extremely cold
Example: It’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey today!

10. Fine weather for frogs

Meaning: Very wet weather
Example: Look at the rain, fine weather for frogs!

11. In frog country

Meaning: In a swampy or boggy area
Example: We camped in frog country last night.

12. Frog in a well

Meaning: Short-sighted or lacking experience
Example: He’s a bit of a frog in a well.

13. Frog’s perspective

Meaning: A low and limited viewpoint
Example: He always argues from a frog’s perspective.

14. To rain frogs

Meaning: Something very unusual happening
Example: It’s like it’s going to rain frogs!

15. Smell like a frog

Meaning: To have a strong, unpleasant odor
Example: After the gym, he smelled like a frog.

16. Frogspawn

Meaning: Clumps of frog eggs
Example: The pond is full of frogspawn.

17. Croak like a frog

Meaning: To make a deep hoarse sound
Example: He croaked like a frog during the speech.

18. Frog-legged

Meaning: Having legs like a frog
Example: The table was all frog-legged.

19. Happy as a frog in a pond

Meaning: Very happy
Example: She’s as happy as a frog in a pond with her new book.

20. Turn into a frog

Meaning: Transform completely
Example: He turned into a frog in that play.

frog Idioms