Freedom Idioms (Idioms For Freedom)

Freedom is a powerful word that can inspire and motivate. In English, we often use idioms to express ideas about freedom in a fun and interesting way. This post explores different sayings that include the word “freedom” or are themed around the concept of freedom. Let’s dive into these colorful expressions that are easy enough for anyone to understand!

Freedom Idioms

Here are 20 freedom idioms in English.

1. Break free

Meaning: To escape from confinement
Example: He wanted to break free from his routine.

2. Free rein

Meaning: Freedom to do as one wishes
Example: She gave him free rein on the project.

3. Free spirit

Meaning: Someone independent and unique
Example: Mia is such a free spirit.

4. Free as a bird

Meaning: Completely free and unencumbered
Example: He felt free as a bird on vacation.

5. Free and easy

Meaning: Relaxed and casual
Example: Their free and easy attitude was infectious.

6. Free for all

Meaning: A chaotic situation where everyone does as they please
Example: The meeting was a free for all.

7. Give someone a free hand

Meaning: Allow someone to act on their own
Example: He was given a free hand in his new job.

8. Free from care

Meaning: Without worries or responsibilities
Example: They were free from care on the island.

9. There’s no such thing as a free lunch

Meaning: Nothing is given without a cost
Example: Always remember, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

10. Get off scot-free

Meaning: Escape punishment
Example: She got off scot-free despite the evidence.

11. Walk free

Meaning: To be released without charges
Example: The accused walked free due to lack of proof.

12. Make free with

Meaning: Use something freely without permission
Example: He made free with my books.

13. Free up

Meaning: To make something available
Example: We need to free up some time tomorrow.

14. Set free

Meaning: Release from captivity
Example: The birds were set free.

15. Free pass

Meaning: Permission to do something without penalty
Example: He got a free pass this time.

16. Free of charge

Meaning: Without any cost
Example: This service is free of charge.

17. Free thinker

Meaning: Someone who forms their own opinions
Example: He’s a real free thinker at work.

18. Born free

Meaning: Born into freedom, not captivity
Example: Every child should be born free.

19. A free hand

Meaning: The freedom to choose one’s actions
Example: She had a free hand in decorating her room.

20. Free ride

Meaning: Benefit without effort or cost
Example: He’s just looking for a free ride.

Freedom Idioms