For Good Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun journey through the world of idioms! Even kids can learn and enjoy the special phrases we call “idioms.” These are unique groups of words that, together, have a meaning different from the individual words alone. Today, we’ll explore idioms that include the words “for good” or have themes about doing things for a good cause.

For Good Idioms

Here are 20 for good idioms in English.

1. Gone for good

Meaning: Permanently, not returning
Example: He moved away, gone for good.

2. Settle for good

Meaning: To resolve permanently
Example: They made peace, settling for good.

3. For good measure

Meaning: Adding a little extra
Example: I added sugar, for good measure.

4. For good reason

Meaning: With a justified cause
Example: She was praised, for good reason.

5. Change for good

Meaning: To improve permanently
Example: He quit smoking, changed for good.

6. Leave for good

Meaning: Depart and not return
Example: She left the city for good.

7. Here for good

Meaning: Staying permanently
Example: They’re now residents, here for good.

8. Up to no good

Meaning: Engaging in mischief
Example: They seemed up to no good.

9. Throw in for good

Meaning: Contribute something extra
Example: He threw in some cash, for good.

10. Turn for the good

Meaning: Change positively
Example: His health turned for the good.

11. Back for good

Meaning: Return to stay permanently
Example: She’s back home, back for good.

12. Do well by doing good

Meaning: Benefit by helping others
Example: He donates, doing well by doing good.

13. Put to good use

Meaning: Use effectively
Example: She put her skills to good use.

14. Make good on a promise

Meaning: Fulfill a commitment
Example: He made good on his vow.

15. Have a good mind to

Meaning: Be inclined to do
Example: I have a good mind to join you.

16. Hold good

Meaning: Remain valid
Example: His ticket still holds good.

17. In good faith

Meaning: With sincere intentions
Example: He acted in good faith.

18. To no good end

Meaning: Without positive results
Example: Their plan led to no good end.

19. Stand in good stead

Meaning: Be beneficial later
Example: This advice will stand in good stead.

20. Come to no good

Meaning: End badly
Example: They feared he’d come to no good.

for good Idioms