Focus Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Ever wondered how to spice up your language with some fun phrases? In this blog, we’ll explore some common idioms that all include the word “focus” or are related to the theme of focusing. Idioms are like secret codes or special phrases that mean something different from the actual words. Let’s dive into the colorful world of idioms to see how you can use them to express yourself more interestingly!

Focus Idioms

Here are 20 focus idioms in English.

1. Stay focused

Meaning: Keep attention on one thing.

Example: I try to stay focused during tests.

2. Laser focus

Meaning: Intensely concentrated focus.

Example: She has a laser focus on her homework.

3. In focus

Meaning: Clearly defined or visible.

Example: The picture finally came into focus.

4. Out of focus

Meaning: Not clear, not paying attention.

Example: His mind was out of focus today.

5. Focus on the big picture

Meaning: Concentrate on the overall view.

Example: Try to focus on the big picture.

6. Focus your mind

Meaning: Direct your attention or thoughts.

Example: He focused his mind on solving the puzzle.

7. Bring into focus

Meaning: Make clear, emphasize.

Example: The lecture brought the issue into focus.

8. Come into focus

Meaning: Become clear or comprehensible.

Example: The plan slowly came into focus.

9. Put into focus

Meaning: Highlight, make apparent.

Example: This event puts our goals into focus.

10. Focus your efforts

Meaning: Direct your energies to a specific task.

Example: She focused her efforts on improvement.

11. Sharp focus

Meaning: High clarity or detailed attention.

Example: His attention was in sharp focus.

12. Focus group

Meaning: A group used for market research.

Example: They organized a focus group for the product.

13. Adjust your focus

Meaning: Modify the direction of attention.

Example: Adjust your focus to learn new skills.

14. Focus point

Meaning: The central or main point of interest.

Example: The new policy is a key focus point.

15. Lose focus

Meaning: To stop paying attention.

Example: He tends to lose focus quickly.

16. Gain focus

Meaning: Start paying attention.

Example: The class gained focus after the break.

17. Focus on the positive

Meaning: Think about the good aspects.

Example: Always focus on the positive sides of life.

18. Shift your focus

Meaning: Change the point of interest or concern.

Example: Shift your focus from problems to solutions.

19. With a focus on

Meaning: Concentrating on a particular aspect.

Example: The course is with a focus on practical skills.

20. Zero in on

Meaning: Focus closely on a specific thing.

Example: He zeroed in on the main issue.


Focus Idioms