Flight Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of idioms related to flying! Idioms are expressions that don’t mean exactly what the words say. Instead, they have a hidden or special meaning that people understand through common use. Today, we’ll look at some idioms that use the word “flight” or are about flying. Get ready to soar through these phrases and learn how to use them in your conversations!

Flight Idioms

Here are 20 flight idioms in English.

1. Miss the boat

Meaning: To lose an opportunity
Example: He missed the boat on that deal.

2. On cloud nine

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: She was on cloud nine after the news.

3. Pie in the sky

Meaning: An unrealistic hope
Example: His startup idea is pie in the sky.

4. Fly off the handle

Meaning: To suddenly become angry
Example: He flew off the handle yesterday.

5. Fly on the wall

Meaning: An unnoticed observer
Example: I wish I were a fly on the wall.

6. Wing it

Meaning: To improvise
Example: I didn’t study, so I winged it.

7. Fly by night

Meaning: Untrustworthy
Example: That contractor is fly by night.

8. In full flight

Meaning: Fully engaged or retreating
Example: They left the scene in full flight.

9. Take flight

Meaning: To flee or run away
Example: The thief took flight when spotted.

10. High-flyer

Meaning: A person who is ambitious
Example: He’s a real high-flyer in finance.

11. Flight of fancy

Meaning: An unrealistic idea or fantasy
Example: That plan is a flight of fancy.

12. Clip someone’s wings

Meaning: Limit someone’s freedom
Example: His parents clipped his wings early.

13. On a wing and a prayer

Meaning: Hoping for success with little chance
Example: We finished the project on a wing and a prayer.

14. Spread one’s wings

Meaning: Start to be independent
Example: She spread her wings and moved abroad.

15. Clear for takeoff

Meaning: Ready to begin
Example: The project is clear for takeoff.

16. First flight

Meaning: First experience
Example: He’s on his first flight in business.

17. Flight risk

Meaning: Likely to escape or flee
Example: He was denied bail as a flight risk.

18. Flight path

Meaning: The usual route
Example: The storm altered the flight path.

19. Smooth sailing

Meaning: Without difficulties
Example: It’s been smooth sailing so far.

20. Crash and burn

Meaning: Fail spectacularly
Example: Their new venture crashed and burned.

Flight Idioms