Five Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of English idioms that include the number “five” or relate to the theme of “five.” Idioms are phrases that have a meaning different from the words in them. Even if you’re a beginner, you’ll enjoy learning how these phrases are used in everyday English!

Five Idioms

Here are 20 five-themed idioms in English.

1. Take five

Meaning: Rest for a short time
Example: Let’s take five before we continue hiking.

2. High five

Meaning: A celebratory hand gesture
Example: We high-fived after scoring a goal.

3. Five o’clock shadow

Meaning: Stubble seen late in the day
Example: He had a five o’clock shadow by evening.

4. Five-finger discount

Meaning: Stealing something
Example: He joked about a five-finger discount.

5. Five-second rule

Meaning: Brief rule for dropped food
Example: She applied the five-second rule to the cookie.

6. At the eleventh hour

Meaning: At the last possible moment
Example: He finished the work at the eleventh hour.

7. Alive and kicking

Meaning: Still active and lively
Example: Grandma is ninety-five and still alive and kicking.

8. Five senses

Meaning: Sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing
Example: Use your five senses to experience the world.

9. Dressed to the nines

Meaning: Wearing fashionable clothing
Example: She was dressed to the nines at the party.

10. Hang five

Meaning: Surf with one hand trailing in the water
Example: He can hang five like a pro surfer.

11. Five by five

Meaning: Everything is good; fine
Example: The project is five by five, boss.

12. Into the fifth

Meaning: Extending beyond normal limits
Example: He drank deep into the fifth of vodka.

13. Pent-up

Meaning: Held back; not expressed
Example: He released his pent-up anger yesterday.

14. Fifth wheel

Meaning: Superfluous person or thing
Example: I felt like a fifth wheel on their date.

15. Nickel-and-dime

Meaning: Charge small amounts frequently
Example: This shop likes to nickel-and-dime its customers.

16. On cloud nine

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: She’s been on cloud nine since the engagement.

17. A stitch in time saves nine

Meaning: Solving a problem early helps avoid bigger ones
Example: Fix that leak now; a stitch in time saves nine.

18. Look alive

Meaning: Pay attention and act lively
Example: Look alive! The boss is coming.

19. Nine days’ wonder

Meaning: Something that attracts attention for a short time
Example: The scandal was a nine days’ wonder.

20. Nine-to-five

Meaning: Typical work hours
Example: He works a regular nine-to-five job.

Five Idioms