Fit Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of idioms! An idiom is a phrase that means something different from the words it uses. Today, we’re diving into idioms that include the word “fit” or are related to being fit. These expressions add color to our language and are fun to learn, no matter your age!

Fit Idioms

Here are 20 fit idioms in English.

1. Fit as a fiddle

Meaning: In very good health
Example: Grandpa is 90 and fit as a fiddle.

2. Fit for a king

Meaning: Very luxurious or grand
Example: This dinner is fit for a king.

3. Survival of the fittest

Meaning: The best adapted succeed
Example: In business, it’s survival of the fittest.

4. A fit of laughter

Meaning: A sudden burst of laughing
Example: She broke into a fit of laughter.

5. Fit the bill

Meaning: To be suitable for a purpose
Example: This tool fits the bill perfectly.

6. Throw a fit

Meaning: To become very angry
Example: He threw a fit when he lost.

7. Keep fit

Meaning: To stay in good physical condition
Example: I run daily to keep fit.

8. In fits and starts

Meaning: Irregularly, intermittently
Example: My car runs in fits and starts.

9. Fit to burst

Meaning: Extremely full or proud
Example: She was fit to burst with news.

10. Fit for purpose

Meaning: Suitable for the intended function
Example: Is this design fit for purpose?

11. Fit into

Meaning: To become part of a group
Example: He fits into the team well.

12. Fit out

Meaning: Equip or supply what is needed
Example: We need to fit out the new office.

13. Fit to be tied

Meaning: Extremely angry or agitated
Example: She was fit to be tied after the delay.

14. If the shoe fits, wear it

Meaning: If a remark applies to you, accept it
Example: He said it, and if the shoe fits, wear it.

15. Fighting fit

Meaning: In good condition to fight or work
Example: He’s fighting fit after the training.

16. Fit for the gods

Meaning: Of very high quality or standard
Example: This artwork is fit for the gods.

17. Fit the mold

Meaning: To perfectly meet a set of standards
Example: He really fits the mold of a leader.

18. Fit to drop

Meaning: Extremely tired
Example: After the hike, I was fit to drop.

19. Fit like a glove

Meaning: To suit perfectly
Example: This suit fits him like a glove.

20. A snug fit

Meaning: Perfectly tight or close-fitting
Example: These shoes are a snug fit.

Fit Idioms