Feather Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Feathers are light and interesting, just like the idioms we use in English that include the word “feather.” These phrases add color and fun to our language, and even kids can understand their meanings! Let’s explore how feathers can describe different situations through some common English idioms.

Feather Idioms

Here are 20 feather idioms in English.

1. Birds of a feather flock together

Meaning: People similar in nature stick together.
Example: The two friends are so alike; birds of a feather flock together.

2. Fine feathers make fine birds

Meaning: Looking good makes one seem good.
Example: He dressed up for the interview; fine feathers make fine birds.

3. Feather in one’s cap

Meaning: An achievement to be proud of.
Example: Winning the prize was a feather in her cap.

4. Ruffle someone’s feathers

Meaning: To annoy or upset someone.
Example: His comment really ruffled her feathers.

5. Feather one’s nest

Meaning: To enrich oneself at others’ expense.
Example: He’s been feathering his nest with the company’s funds.

6. Feather-brained

Meaning: Scatterbrained or foolish.
Example: That feather-brained scheme won’t work.

7. Light as a feather

Meaning: Very light in weight.
Example: She danced around, light as a feather.

8. Show a clean pair of heels

Meaning: To run away quickly.
Example: He showed a clean pair of heels when he saw the dog.

9. Tarred with the same feather

Meaning: Considered alike, unfairly.
Example: They were all tarred with the same feather.

10. Feather your own nest

Meaning: To look out for one’s own interests.
Example: He’s good at feathering his own nest.

11. Shake your tail feather

Meaning: To dance energetically.
Example: Come on, shake your tail feather at the party!

12. Spread one’s wings

Meaning: To start to become independent.
Example: It’s time she spread her wings and lived alone.

13. Pluck a feather from

Meaning: To steal or take something slyly.
Example: He plucked a feather from their savings.

14. Stiff feather

Meaning: Something difficult or tricky.
Example: This puzzle is a stiff feather to deal with.

15. A feather on the breath of God

Meaning: Something very delicate or fragile.
Example: Her voice is like a feather on the breath of God.

16. Feathers fly

Meaning: A heated argument where tempers are lost.
Example: When they argue, feathers fly.

17. Molted feather

Meaning: Something old and discarded.
Example: His ideas are like molted feathers now.

18. No feather

Meaning: Of no consequence; unimportant.
Example: It’s no feather off my back if he leaves.

19. Smooth as a feather

Meaning: Very smooth and easy.
Example: The meeting went smooth as a feather.

20. Water off a duck’s back

Meaning: Criticism that has no effect.
Example: Her insults are just water off a duck’s back to him.

Feather Idioms