Farm Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of farm idioms! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say. They are used to express something in a creative way. This post is perfect for kids and anyone learning English, as we’ll look at expressions related to the theme of farming.

Farm Idioms

Here are 20 farm idioms in English.

1. Buy the farm

Meaning: To pass away
Example: Grandpa sadly bought the farm last year.

2. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Meaning: Don’t assume success prematurely
Example: Wait until you get the job offer, don’t count your chickens!

3. Put out to pasture

Meaning: Retire someone from their job
Example: After 30 years, he was put out to pasture.

4. As busy as a bee

Meaning: Very busy and active
Example: She’s as busy as a bee with the new project.

5. Make hay while the sun shines

Meaning: Take advantage of a good situation
Example: He’s making hay while the sun shines this summer.

6. Hit the hay

Meaning: Go to bed
Example: It’s late, time to hit the hay.

7. That’s the last straw

Meaning: The final problem in a series
Example: She quit her job, that was the last straw.

8. Like herding cats

Meaning: Trying to control the uncontrollable
Example: Managing toddlers is like herding cats.

9. Till the cows come home

Meaning: For a very long time
Example: You can argue till the cows come home.

10. Bet the farm

Meaning: Risk everything
Example: He bet the farm on that deal.

11. Roll in the hay

Meaning: To engage in amorous activities
Example: They enjoyed a roll in the hay.

12. Sow wild oats

Meaning: Indulge in unrestrained behavior in youth
Example: He sowed his wild oats in his twenties.

13. A pig in a poke

Meaning: Buying something unseen or unknown
Example: That car was a pig in a poke.

14. Cash cow

Meaning: A consistent source of income
Example: That rental property is a cash cow.

15. The cream of the crop

Meaning: The best of all
Example: These apples are the cream of the crop.

16. Cock and bull story

Meaning: An unbelievable tale
Example: His excuse was a cock and bull story.

17. Bull in a china shop

Meaning: Someone who is very clumsy
Example: He’s like a bull in a china shop.

18. Take the bull by the horns

Meaning: To face a problem directly
Example: She took the bull by the horns and solved the issue.

19. Chickens come home to roost

Meaning: Consequences catch up with you
Example: His lies were chickens coming home to roost.

20. Farm out

Meaning: To outsource work
Example: We farmed out the graphics work.

Farm Idioms 1