Family Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

When we talk, sometimes we use special phrases called idioms that might sound funny but have a deeper meaning. These phrases often use the word “family” or are about families. Let’s learn about some of these family idioms so you can use them when you speak or write!

Family Idioms

Here are 20 family idioms in English.

1. Like father, like son

Meaning:  Sons often resemble their fathers.

Example: He loves fishing just like his dad, like father, like son.

2. Black sheep of the family

Meaning:  A family member who is different or odd.

Example: Jane never follows rules; she’s the black sheep of the family.

3. Blood is thicker than water

Meaning:  Family relationships are stronger than others.

Example: They stick together because blood is thicker than water.

4. Chip off the old block

Meaning:  A child who resembles a parent in behavior.

Example: He’s as kind as his mom, a real chip off the old block.

5. Flesh and blood

Meaning:  Refers to someone’s family members.

Example: I have to help him; he’s my flesh and blood.

6. Family ties

Meaning:  Connections between family members.

Example: Their family ties keep them close despite differences.

7. Household name

Meaning:  Known by many people; very familiar.

Example: This brand has become a household name.

8. At each other’s throats

Meaning:  Fighting or arguing frequently.

Example: The siblings are always at each other’s throats.

9. Family tree

Meaning:  A diagram showing family relationships.

Example: She added her ancestors to her family tree.

10. Skeletons in the closet

Meaning:  Secrets or scandals within a family.

Example: Every family has some skeletons in the closet.

11. Blood relative

Meaning:  A person related by blood, not marriage.

Example: They are blood relatives, directly related.

12. Spitting image

Meaning:  Looks exactly like someone, often a relative.

Example: She’s the spitting image of her grandmother.

13. Run in the family

Meaning:  A trait common among family members.

Example: Intelligence really runs in their family.

14. Next of kin

Meaning:  The closest living relative(s).

Example: His sister is his next of kin.

15. Bring home the bacon

Meaning:  To earn money for the family.

Example: He works hard to bring home the bacon.

16. Tie the knot

Meaning:  To get married.

Example: They plan to tie the knot next summer.

17. Wear the pants in the family

Meaning:  To be the decision-maker in the family.

Example: She definitely wears the pants in the family.

18. Hearth and home

Meaning:  Refers to the warmth and comfort of home.

Example: After the trip, they missed their hearth and home.

19. Family feud

Meaning:  An ongoing conflict between family members.

Example: The family feud has lasted for years.

20. Home is where the heart is

Meaning:  Your home is where your loved ones are.

Example: No matter where he goes, home is where the heart is.

Family Idioms