Energy Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun and educational blog post about idioms! Idioms are phrases that mean something different from the words in them. Today, we’re exploring idioms that involve the word “energy” or are related to the theme of energy. These idioms are easy to understand and can spice up your conversations!

Energy Idioms

Here are 20 energy idioms in English.

1. Full of beans

Meaning: Very energetic and enthusiastic
Example: The kids were full of beans this morning.

2. Burn the midnight oil

Meaning: To work late into the night
Example: She’s burning the midnight oil again.

3. Running on empty

Meaning: Having no energy left
Example: I’m running on empty after the gym.

4. Spark of genius

Meaning: A brilliant idea or insight
Example: His invention was a spark of genius.

5. Light a fire under someone

Meaning: Motivate someone to act quickly
Example: He needs to light a fire under his team.

6. Electric atmosphere

Meaning: An environment filled with excitement
Example: The concert had an electric atmosphere.

7. Get the wheels turning

Meaning: Start thinking or generating ideas
Example: That coffee got my wheels turning.

8. Fire in the belly

Meaning: Passionate motivation
Example: She has a fire in the belly for this cause.

9. Power through

Meaning: Continue despite difficulties
Example: I need to power through this task.

10. Charge up

Meaning: Gain energy or enthusiasm
Example: This music really charges me up.

11. Blow off steam

Meaning: Release pent-up energy or stress
Example: I go running to blow off steam.

12. Energize the troops

Meaning: Motivate a group to work hard
Example: He knows how to energize the troops.

13. Spark an interest

Meaning: Cause someone to become interested
Example: The show sparked an interest in dancing.

14. Recharge your batteries

Meaning: Rest to regain energy
Example: I need to recharge my batteries this weekend.

15. Fuel the fire

Meaning: Increase the intensity of something
Example: His words fueled the fire of the debate.

16. Fired up

Meaning: Excited or passionate
Example: The team is fired up for the finals.

17. Generate buzz

Meaning: Create excitement or interest
Example: Their new product is generating buzz.

18. Ignite a controversy

Meaning: Start a dispute or argument
Example: His statement ignited a controversy.

19. Jump-start

Meaning: Quickly start a process or activity
Example: We need to jump-start the project.

20. On fire

Meaning: Performing exceptionally well
Example: He’s on fire with his sales this month.

Energy Idioms