End Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on idioms that include the word “end”! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say, but they have a special meaning all their own. They make our language more colorful and interesting. Kids and adults alike can enjoy learning these expressions that are used in everyday English.

End Idioms

Here are 20 end idioms in English.

1. The end justifies the means

Meaning: Any method can be used if the result is good.
Example: He cheated to win, believing the end justifies the means.

2. At your wit’s end

Meaning: Extremely frustrated and unsure what to do.
Example: I was at my wit’s end trying to solve the puzzle.

3. Dead end

Meaning: A path or street with no exit.
Example: We reached a dead end and had to turn around.

4. Make ends meet

Meaning: To manage one’s finances so as to barely survive.
Example: She works two jobs to make ends meet.

5. End of the line

Meaning: The final part or conclusion of something.
Example: It’s the end of the line for my old car.

6. The end of the rope

Meaning: To run out of options or patience.
Example: He’s at the end of his rope with the delays.

7. Burn the candle at both ends

Meaning: To work very hard and stay up very late.
Example: She’s burning the candle at both ends with school.

8. The beginning of the end

Meaning: The start of a failure or destruction.
Example: Losing that game was the beginning of the end.

9. End in itself

Meaning: A purpose or goal one aims to achieve.
Example: Happiness is an end in itself.

10. No end in sight

Meaning: No apparent limit or conclusion.
Example: There’s no end in sight to the construction.

11. Rear end

Meaning: The back part of something.
Example: The car’s rear end is badly damaged.

12. Tight end

Meaning: A position in American football.
Example: He plays as a tight end for his team.

13. Loose ends

Meaning: Unfinished details or parts.
Example: We still have some loose ends to tie up.

14. Not the end of the world

Meaning: Not a catastrophe or major problem.
Example: Failing this test is not the end of the world.

15. End up

Meaning: To finally be in a particular place or situation.
Example: We ended up going to the movies.

16. Split ends

Meaning: Frayed ends of hair.
Example: She’s getting a haircut to remove split ends.

17. Odds and ends

Meaning: Small, miscellaneous items or tasks.
Example: I’m sorting through odds and ends in the attic.

18. Bitter end

Meaning: The conclusion, regardless of the outcome.
Example: He fought to the bitter end.

19. Meet one’s end

Meaning: To die.
Example: The hero met his end bravely.

20. End over end

Meaning: Turning repeatedly in the air.
Example: The ball tumbled end over end down the hill.

End Idioms