Elephant Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Elephants are not just big animals; they also play a big part in the way we talk. In this blog post, we will explore various idioms that feature the word “elephant” or are related to elephants. These phrases add fun and color to our language. Even kids can understand and enjoy learning how these giant creatures are used in everyday expressions!

Elephant Idioms

Here are 20 elephant idioms in English.

1. The elephant in the room

Meaning: A big issue everyone ignores
Example: We discussed everything but the elephant in the room.

2. White elephant

Meaning: A costly, burdensome possession
Example: That old car is a white elephant.

3. Elephant memory

Meaning: To remember everything
Example: He has an elephant memory for dates.

4. Elephant’s graveyard

Meaning: Where old or outdated things go
Example: It’s an elephant’s graveyard of tech.

5. Pink elephant

Meaning: Something imagined or unreal
Example: I swear I saw a pink elephant!

6. An elephant never forgets

Meaning: Someone with a great memory
Example: Just ask Nancy; an elephant never forgets.

7. To have an elephant’s mouth

Meaning: To eat a lot
Example: He could eat, truly an elephant’s mouth.

8. To pack the trunk

Meaning: Getting ready to leave
Example: Time’s up, let’s pack the trunk.

9. Elephant in the ballet shoes

Meaning: Someone unsuitable for a role
Example: He’s like an elephant in ballet shoes.

10. Make an elephant out of a mosquito

Meaning: Overreacting to a small problem
Example: Don’t make an elephant out of a mosquito.

11. As big as an elephant

Meaning: Very large
Example: His new TV is as big as an elephant.

12. Elephant ears

Meaning: Someone who overhears everything
Example: Beware, she has elephant ears.

13. Elephant’s pace

Meaning: Moving very slowly
Example: This project is moving at an elephant’s pace.

14. To ride the elephant

Meaning: To take on a big challenge
Example: He’s ready to ride the elephant.

15. To see the elephant

Meaning: To experience something spectacular
Example: Let’s go and see the elephant tonight.

16. Elephant’s dance

Meaning: Clumsy or awkward movements
Example: I dance like an elephant.

17. Blue elephant

Meaning: An extremely rare or unlikely event
Example: Winning here is a blue elephant.

18. Feed the elephant

Meaning: To deal with a large expense
Example: Our savings went to feed the elephant.

19. Elephants marching

Meaning: A significant amount of progress
Example: With this team, it’s like elephants marching.

20. To throw an elephant

Meaning: To introduce a big surprise
Example: He really threw an elephant in our plans.

Elephant Idioms