Eating Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Idioms are fun phrases that don’t mean exactly what they say. In this blog post, we’ll explore different sayings about eating. These phrases are used in everyday English.

Eating Idioms

Here are 20 eating idioms in English.

1. Have a bite

Meaning: Eat a small amount of food.
Example: Let’s have a bite before we go.

2. Grab a bite

Meaning: Quickly go eat something.
Example: We can grab a bite during the break.

3. Wolf down

Meaning: Eat very quickly.
Example: He wolfed down his lunch.

4. Pig out

Meaning: Eat a lot or too much.
Example: They pigged out at the buffet.

5. Nosh on

Meaning: Snack or eat casually.
Example: She was noshing on some grapes.

6. Chow down

Meaning: Eat enthusiastically or hungrily.
Example: Let’s chow down, I’m starving!

7. Gobble up

Meaning: Eat quickly and eagerly.
Example: The kids gobbled up the cupcakes.

8. Snack on

Meaning: Eat a small amount of food between meals.
Example: He’s snacking on nuts and fruit.

9. Feast on

Meaning: Eat a large amount of food joyfully.
Example: We feasted on roast and potatoes.

10. Munch on

Meaning: Eat something with a steady, continuous bite.
Example: She was munching on celery.

11. Dine on

Meaning: Eat a formal or elaborate meal.
Example: They dined on fine Italian cuisine.

12. Tuck into

Meaning: Start eating enthusiastically.
Example: We tucked into the homemade pie.

13. Fill up on

Meaning: Eat until you are full.
Example: Don’t fill up on bread before the main course.

14. Eat out

Meaning: Have a meal in a restaurant.
Example: They eat out every Friday night.

15. Dig into

Meaning: Start eating with enthusiasm.
Example: Everyone dug into the meal as soon as it was served.

16. Pick at

Meaning: Eat food slowly and without interest.
Example: She just picked at her food.

17. Lick the plate clean

Meaning: Eat all the food served eagerly.
Example: The delicious cake had us licking the plates clean.

18. Eat heartily

Meaning: Eat enthusiastically and in large amounts.
Example: He ate heartily at the barbecue.

19. Have seconds

Meaning: Take another serving of food.
Example: The stew was so good, I had seconds.

20. Polish off

Meaning: Finish eating all the food quickly.
Example: He polished off the entire pizza himself.

Eating Idioms