Dramatic Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our exploration of dramatic idioms! Idioms are phrases that mean something different from what the words actually say. They make language fun and colorful. Today, we’re diving into idioms that include the word “dramatic” or carry a dramatic theme. Let’s learn how they’re used in everyday English!

Dramatic Idioms

Here are 20 dramatic idioms in English.

1. Break a leg

Meaning: Good luck
Example: Break a leg in your audition tomorrow!

2. Make a scene

Meaning: Cause a public disturbance
Example: He made a scene at the party.

3. Steal the show

Meaning: Get all the attention
Example: She stole the show with her speech.

4. Chew the scenery

Meaning: Overact dramatically
Example: He really chewed the scenery in that role.

5. In the limelight

Meaning: Center of attention
Example: She’s always in the limelight.

6. Behind the scenes

Meaning: Working secretly
Example: They worked behind the scenes.

7. Not miss a beat

Meaning: Continue smoothly
Example: He didn’t miss a beat during the chaos.

8. Under the spotlight

Meaning: Center of public attention
Example: The actor was under the spotlight.

9. Play second fiddle

Meaning: Be less important
Example: He’s tired of playing second fiddle.

10. Pull the strings

Meaning: Control from behind
Example: She knows how to pull the strings.

11. Raise the curtain

Meaning: Begin something
Example: Let’s raise the curtain on our event!

12. Bring down the house

Meaning: Impress greatly
Example: His joke brought down the house.

13. Exit stage left

Meaning: Leave unobtrusively
Example: He exited stage left after the speech.

14. Steal one’s thunder

Meaning: Take someone’s limelight
Example: She stole my thunder with her announcement.

15. On cue

Meaning: At the perfect time
Example: She arrived on cue for dinner.

16. Cast a shadow

Meaning: Overshadow
Example: His success casts a shadow on mine.

17. Upstage someone

Meaning: Divert attention from another
Example: He upstaged me at the meeting.

18. Face the music

Meaning: Accept consequences
Example: It’s time to face the music.

19. Take center stage

Meaning: Become the focus
Example: The issue took center stage at the meeting.

20. Set the stage

Meaning: Prepare the groundwork
Example: This sets the stage for future talks.

Dramatic Idioms