Dog Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Dogs aren’t just our furry friends—they also inspire many common sayings! This post explores different idioms that include the word dog or are related to dogs. These phrases are used in everyday English and are easy to understand, even for kids!

Dog Idioms

Here are 20 dog idioms in English.

1. Dog-eat-dog

Meaning: Very competitive
Example: The business world is dog-eat-dog.

2. Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: Mistaken or misguided
Example: You’re barking up the wrong tree.

3. Let sleeping dogs lie

Meaning: Avoid restarting a conflict
Example: Just let sleeping dogs lie.

4. In the doghouse

Meaning: In trouble
Example: He’s in the doghouse now.

5. Work like a dog

Meaning: Work very hard
Example: I’ve been working like a dog.

6. Hair of the dog

Meaning: Cure by similar means
Example: He tried the hair of the dog.

7. Every dog has its day

Meaning: Everyone gets a chance
Example: You’ll have your day too.

8. Dog’s breakfast

Meaning: A mess or muddle
Example: This looks like a dog’s breakfast.

9. Top dog

Meaning: The leader or boss
Example: He’s the top dog here.

10. Sick as a dog

Meaning: Very ill
Example: I was sick as a dog yesterday.

11. Tail wagging the dog

Meaning: Lesser part directs the whole
Example: It’s the tail wagging the dog.

12. Dog days

Meaning: Very hot days
Example: We’re in the dog days of summer.

13. Dog’s life

Meaning: A hard, miserable life
Example: He leads a dog’s life.

14. Dog and pony show

Meaning: Elaborate display or performance
Example: It was just a dog and pony show.

15. Dog tired

Meaning: Extremely tired
Example: I’m dog tired after the hike.

16. Dog’s dinner

Meaning: Dressed overly fancy
Example: She looked like a dog’s dinner.

17. Teach an old dog new tricks

Meaning: Learn new things at any age
Example: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

18. Dog whistle

Meaning: Coded or indirect language
Example: That was a clear dog whistle.

19. Dog in the manger

Meaning: Preventing others from using something
Example: He’s a dog in the manger.

20. Like a dog with two tails

Meaning: Very happy
Example: He was like a dog with two tails.

Dog Idioms