Digging Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our blog post about idioms that use the word “digging” or have themes related to digging. Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a hidden meaning. Even kids can learn these fun and interesting phrases to sound like a pro in English!

Digging Idioms

Here are 20 digging idioms in English.

1. Dig your own grave

Meaning: Create problems for yourself
Example: He really dug his own grave by lying.

2. Dig deep

Meaning: Try hard, find inner strength
Example: You need to dig deep to win this game.

3. Dig in your heels

Meaning: Refuse to change position
Example: She dug in her heels and said no.

4. Dig up dirt

Meaning: Find negative information
Example: Reporters love to dig up dirt on celebrities.

5. Strike gold

Meaning: Find something valuable
Example: His new book really struck gold.

6. Dig out

Meaning: Remove from a confined space
Example: I had to dig out my old notes.

7. Gold digger

Meaning: Someone who uses others for money
Example: He’s wary of gold diggers now.

8. Bury the hatchet

Meaning: Make peace with someone
Example: They finally buried the hatchet.

9. Dig one’s way out

Meaning: Escape a situation through effort
Example: She dug her way out of debt.

10. Dig into

Meaning: Start eating enthusiastically
Example: Let’s dig into the cake!

11. Dig oneself into a hole

Meaning: Get into a difficult situation
Example: He’s digging himself into a hole.

12. Dig for compliments

Meaning: Seek praise subtly
Example: She’s just digging for compliments.

13. Dig the scene

Meaning: Enjoy the current atmosphere
Example: I really dig the scene here.

14. Dig one’s own ditch

Meaning: Cause one’s own downfall
Example: He’s just digging his own ditch.

15. Digging for gold

Meaning: Looking for something valuable
Example: They are digging for gold in data.

16. Dig your heels in

Meaning: Be stubborn
Example: He’s digging his heels in on this deal.

17. Dig around

Meaning: Search thoroughly
Example: She dug around for her keys.

18. Dig out of a hole

Meaning: Recover from a bad situation
Example: They dug out of a financial hole.

19. Dig the dirt

Meaning: Investigate secrets
Example: They tend to dig the dirt on rivals.

20. Dig a pit

Meaning: Prepare a difficult situation
Example: They dug a pit for themselves.

Digging Idioms