Delivery Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Here’s a fun and simple introduction to the world of idioms! Even if you’re just learning to read, you’ll understand this. Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say. They make talking and writing more colorful. Let’s explore some that are all about “delivery”!

Delivery Idioms

Here are 20 delivery idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Special Delivery

Meaning: Something delivered urgently and directly.
Example: He received flowers by special delivery.

2. Deliver the Goods

Meaning: Meet expectations or fulfill promises.
Example: She always delivers the goods on time.

3. Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Meaning: Completed successfully and officially.
Example: It’s signed, sealed, delivered—I’m yours!

4. Cash on Delivery (COD)

Meaning: Payment made at the time of delivery.
Example: The sofa was purchased cash on delivery.

5. Deliver the Mail

Meaning: To do what is expected or required.
Example: He never fails to deliver the mail at work.

6. Delivery Room

Meaning: Where babies are born in a hospital.
Example: The twins were born in the delivery room.

7. Drop a Line

Meaning: Send a short letter or message.
Example: Don’t forget to drop me a line!

8. Air Mail

Meaning: Mail sent by aircraft.
Example: She sent the parcel by air mail.

9. Go Postal

Meaning: Become extremely angry, often violently.
Example: He went postal after the news.

10. Push the Envelope

Meaning: Extend the limits of what is possible.
Example: She’s always pushing the envelope at work.

11. Get the Message

Meaning: Understand what someone implies.
Example: I got the message and left the room.

12. Parcel Out

Meaning: Distribute or divide something into parts.
Example: They parceled out the estate evenly.

13. Send Packing

Meaning: Dismiss or reject someone abruptly.
Example: He was sent packing after the mistake.

14. Express Lane

Meaning: A fast track or quicker process.
Example: She chose the express lane at the supermarket.

15. Courier Service

Meaning: A company that delivers packages quickly.
Example: The documents were sent by courier service.

16. Chain Letter

Meaning: A message sent to multiple people, urging them to send copies to others.
Example: She ignored the chain letter.

17. Handle With Care

Meaning: Treat something very gently.
Example: The box was marked, “Handle with care.”

18. Overnight Delivery

Meaning: Delivery service for next day arrival.
Example: He opted for overnight delivery.

19. Send Off

Meaning: Give someone a farewell.
Example: They gave her a grand send off.

20. Bear a Message

Meaning: Carry or deliver a message.
Example: The scout came to bear a message.

Delivery Idioms