Cross Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In everyday English, there are many expressions called “idioms” that might sound strange but have specific meanings. These phrases often use common words in unusual ways. Today, we’ll explore some fun and useful expressions that use the word “cross.” These idioms can help you sound more like a native speaker and understand more when you listen to English conversations.

Cross Idioms

Here are 20 cross idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Cross my heart

Meaning: Promise sincerely
Example: Cross my heart, I will not tell anyone.

2. Cross the line

Meaning: Behave improperly
Example: He crossed the line with that comment.

3. Cross paths

Meaning: Meet by chance
Example: We crossed paths at the supermarket.

4. Cross someone’s mind

Meaning: Think of something
Example: You never crossed my mind yesterday.

5. Cross that bridge when you come to it

Meaning: Deal with a problem later
Example: We’ll cross that bridge if it happens.

6. Cross your fingers

Meaning: Hope for good luck
Example: Cross your fingers for good weather.

7. At cross purposes

Meaning: Have conflicting goals
Example: We’re at cross purposes here.

8. Double-cross

Meaning: Deceive or betray
Example: He double-crossed his own team.

9. Cross to bear

Meaning: A burden one must carry
Example: It’s my cross to bear alone.

10. Cross someone

Meaning: Oppose or stand against
Example: Don’t cross her; she’s tough.

11. Cross one’s arms

Meaning: Fold arms across the chest
Example: He crossed his arms in defiance.

12. Cross one’s heart and hope to die

Meaning: Promise absolutely
Example: I’ll do it, cross my heart and hope to die.

13. Cross the Rubicon

Meaning: Pass a point of no return
Example: We cross the Rubicon with this decision.

14. Keep your fingers crossed

Meaning: Hope for the best
Example: Keep your fingers crossed for me.

15. Cross one’s t’s

Meaning: Be thorough
Example: Always cross your t’s when editing.

16. Cross someone’s palm

Meaning: Pay someone for a service
Example: She crossed his palm with silver.

17. Cross wires

Meaning: Miscommunicate
Example: We got our wires crossed yesterday.

18. Cross the floor

Meaning: Change sides in politics
Example: He crossed the floor last week.

19. Cross your mind

Meaning: Think of something suddenly
Example: Did it ever cross your mind to call?

20. Cross-eyed

Meaning: Eyes pointing inward
Example: He looked cross-eyed at the picture.

Cross Idioms