Clock Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Clock idioms are phrases that use words related to time or clocks to express an idea in a unique way. Even kids can understand these phrases because they are often used in everyday conversation. They help make our speech more colorful and interesting.

Clock Idioms

Here are 20 clock idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Around the clock

Meaning: All day and night
Example: They worked around the clock to finish the project.

2. Beat the clock

Meaning: Finish something quickly
Example: She managed to beat the clock and submit her test.

3. Clock in

Meaning: Begin work
Example: He clocks in at nine every morning.

4. Clock out

Meaning: End work
Example: She clocks out at five every evening.

5. Against the clock

Meaning: Rushed and limited by time
Example: They were working against the clock to meet the deadline.

6. Clock watcher

Meaning: Someone who watches the time often
Example: He’s a clock watcher, eager to leave.

7. Turn back the clock

Meaning: Return to an earlier time
Example: I wish I could turn back the clock to childhood.

8. Two-time

Meaning: Deceive or betray
Example: He was caught two-timing his partner.

9. On the clock

Meaning: On duty or working
Example: They are on the clock until 6 PM.

10. Kill time

Meaning: Pass time aimlessly
Example: I just killed time watching TV.

11. Clockwork

Meaning: With mechanical regularity
Example: Everything went like clockwork.

12. Watch the clock

Meaning: To keep looking at the time
Example: Stop watching the clock, it’s rude.

13. In the nick of time

Meaning: Just in time
Example: She arrived in the nick of time.

14. Clock is ticking

Meaning: Time is running out
Example: Hurry up, the clock is ticking!

15. Ahead of time

Meaning: Earlier than scheduled
Example: We finished the project ahead of time.

16. Time flies

Meaning: Time passes quickly
Example: Time flies when you’re having fun.

17. Time’s up

Meaning: No more time left
Example: Time’s up! Pencils down.

18. Bide your time

Meaning: Wait for the right moment
Example: He bided his time before asking for a raise.

19. Make up for lost time

Meaning: Recover lost time
Example: After being sick, she made up for lost time at work.

20. Third time’s the charm

Meaning: The hope that the third attempt will succeed
Example: I hope this application goes through; third time’s the charm.

Clock Idioms