Classic Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say. They have a different meaning that you can learn and use when you talk or write. They make our language more fun and interesting. Let’s explore some classic idioms!

Classic Idioms

Here are 20 classic idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Break the ice

Meaning: To start a conversation
Example: She told a joke to break the ice.

2. Hit the hay

Meaning: Go to bed
Example: It’s late, time to hit the hay.

3. Piece of cake

Meaning: Very easy
Example: The test was a piece of cake.

4. When pigs fly

Meaning: Never going to happen
Example: I’ll clean my room when pigs fly!

5. Cost an arm and a leg

Meaning: Very expensive
Example: That car costs an arm and a leg.

6. Feeling under the weather

Meaning: Feeling sick
Example: I’m staying home, feeling under the weather.

7. Spill the beans

Meaning: Reveal a secret
Example: He spilled the beans about the surprise party.

8. Hit the nail on the head

Meaning: Get something exactly right
Example: You hit the nail on the head with that idea.

9. Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: Reveal a secret accidentally
Example: He let the cat out of the bag about the trip.

10. Pull someone’s leg

Meaning: Joke with someone
Example: I was just pulling your leg, don’t be mad.

11. Out of the blue

Meaning: Unexpectedly
Example: He called me out of the blue.

12. A dime a dozen

Meaning: Very common
Example: Ideas like that are a dime a dozen.

13. Beat around the bush

Meaning: Avoid the main topic
Example: Stop beating around the bush and tell me.

14. Cut to the chase

Meaning: Get to the point
Example: Just cut to the chase, what happened?

15. Add fuel to the fire

Meaning: Worsen a situation
Example: His anger just added fuel to the fire.

16. Burn the midnight oil

Meaning: Stay up late working
Example: I burned the midnight oil last night.

17. Kill two birds with one stone

Meaning: Solve two problems with one action
Example: Shopping while I walk the dog kills two birds.

18. On the ball

Meaning: Doing a good job
Example: Keep it up; you’re really on the ball.

19. Hit the road

Meaning: Start a journey
Example: It’s time to hit the road early tomorrow.

20. Miss the boat

Meaning: Miss an opportunity
Example: Hurry up or we’ll miss the boat.

Classic Idioms