Christmas Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our festive guide on Christmas idioms! These phrases add a touch of holiday spirit to our conversations. Even kids can understand these fun expressions that we often use during the Christmas season. Let’s dive in and explore these colorful idioms together!

Christmas Idioms

Here are 20 Christmas idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Trim the tree

Meaning: Decorate the Christmas tree.
Example: Let’s trim the tree this weekend!

2. Light up like a Christmas tree

Meaning: Very brightly lit.
Example: Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

3. The more the merrier

Meaning: Better with more people.
Example: Invite everyone; the more the merrier!

4. Deck the halls

Meaning: Decorate the house for Christmas.
Example: We deck the halls every December.

5. White Christmas

Meaning: Christmas with snow.
Example: I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.

6. Christmas comes but once a year

Meaning: Christmas is a rare occasion.
Example: Buy gifts; Christmas comes but once a year.

7. As busy as an elf

Meaning: Very busy.
Example: She’s as busy as an elf with the new project.

8. Like turkeys voting for Christmas

Meaning: Acting against self-interest.
Example: They accepted the deal like turkeys voting for Christmas.

9. Yule tide cheer

Meaning: Christmas season’s happiness.
Example: The party was full of Yule tide cheer.

10. Santa’s workshop

Meaning: A place full of activity.
Example: The kitchen was like Santa’s workshop.

11. Ring in the new year

Meaning: Celebrate the start of the new year.
Example: We always ring in the new year with fireworks.

12. Under the mistletoe

Meaning: Standing where it is customary to kiss.
Example: They found themselves under the mistletoe.

13. Holiday spirit

Meaning: The festive mood of Christmas.
Example: She’s really in the holiday spirit.

14. Christmas miracle

Meaning: A wonderful unexpected event.
Example: It was a Christmas miracle that we met.

15. Ghost of Christmas past

Meaning: Reminders of past Christmases.
Example: These ornaments are like the Ghost of Christmas past.

16. Nutcracker sweet

Meaning: Referring to the famous ballet.
Example: We watch the Nutcracker sweet every year.

17. On the naughty list

Meaning: Listed to receive no presents.
Example: He’s worried he’s on the naughty list.

18. Tis the season

Meaning: It’s the time for Christmas.
Example: Tis the season to be jolly!

19. Wrap up warm

Meaning: Dress warmly.
Example: Wrap up warm; it’s snowy outside.

20. Stocking stuffer

Meaning: Small gift for a Christmas stocking.
Example: This gadget is a perfect stocking stuffer.

Christmas Idioms