Chess Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Chess isn’t just a game of strategy and intellect; it also influences the way we speak. In this introduction, we’ll explore some common chess idioms that have found their way into everyday language. These phrases use chess terminology to describe life situations in a simple and relatable way, making it easy for even kids to understand.

Chess Idioms

Here are 20 chess idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Checkmate position

Meaning: A situation with no escape
Example: He cornered me into a checkmate position in the argument.

2. Pawn in their game

Meaning: Being used by others
Example: I felt like just a pawn in their corporate game.

3. Rooked

Meaning: To be cheated or swindled
Example: I got rooked at that tourist shop!

4. King of the castle

Meaning: Being in charge or dominant
Example: He’s the king of the castle in his new job.

5. Bishop move

Meaning: A strategic or diagonal approach
Example: She made a bishop move in her career path.

6. Queen’s gambit

Meaning: A risky but calculated strategy
Example: He took a queen’s gambit with his new business.

7. Castling

Meaning: Making a big but defensive change
Example: They’re castling by moving to a safer neighborhood.

8. Knight’s tour

Meaning: A complex or roundabout journey
Example: His career path was a real knight’s tour.

9. Opening gambit

Meaning: An initial strategy or tactic
Example: Her opening gambit at the meeting was brilliant.

10. Playing black

Meaning: Operating at a disadvantage
Example: We’re playing black on this project deadline.

11. In check

Meaning: Under pressure or threat
Example: He’s been in check since the new manager arrived.

12. Stalemate

Meaning: A situation where no progress can be made
Example: The negotiation ended in a stalemate.

13. Sacrificing the queen

Meaning: Giving up something valuable for a greater good
Example: He sacrificed the queen for the team’s success.

14. Underpromotion

Meaning: Gaining less advantage than expected
Example: It felt like an underpromotion after all my hard work.

15. Chessboard strategy

Meaning: Careful planning in a complex situation
Example: We need a chessboard strategy to win this account.

16. King’s pawn opening

Meaning: A common and safe start
Example: Let’s start with a king’s pawn opening at the seminar.

17. Endgame strategy

Meaning: Planning for the final stage
Example: We’re focusing on our endgame strategy for the project.

18. Checkmate in three

Meaning: A sure win in a few moves
Example: With his testimony, it was checkmate in three.

19. Losing the rook

Meaning: Making a significant sacrifice
Example: Losing the rook was necessary to finish the project.

20. Blindfold chess

Meaning: Working without full information
Example: We’re playing blindfold chess with these vague guidelines.

Chess Idioms