Cartoon Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our colorful world of cartoon idioms! Even if you’re young or just young at heart, this post is packed with fun phrases that will make you sound like a cartoon character in no time. Let’s explore these expressions together!

Cartoon Idioms

Here are 20 cartoon idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Cat got your tongue?

Meaning: Too shy to speak

Example: Why so quiet? Cat got your tongue?

2. When pigs fly

Meaning: Never going to happen

Example: He’ll clean his room when pigs fly.

3. Spill the beans

Meaning: Reveal a secret

Example: He accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise.

4. Hold your horses

Meaning: Wait a moment

Example: Hold your horses, dinner’s not ready yet.

5. Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: Reveal a secret unintentionally

Example: I let the cat out of the bag about the party.

6. Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: Mistaken or misguided

Example: You’re barking up the wrong tree with your accusations.

7. More than one way to skin a cat

Meaning: Many ways to do something

Example: Don’t give up; there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

8. Cry wolf

Meaning: Give false alarm

Example: He cried wolf so often, no one believes him now.

9. Wild goose chase

Meaning: Futile search or pursuit

Example: Looking for that book was a wild goose chase.

10. Out of the frying pan into the fire

Meaning: From bad to worse

Example: He went from the frying pan into the fire with his new job.

11. The elephant in the room

Meaning: Obvious problem no one mentions

Example: Let’s talk about the elephant in the room.

12. Kick the bucket

Meaning: To die

Example: My old car finally kicked the bucket.

13. Hit the hay

Meaning: Go to sleep

Example: It’s late; time to hit the hay.

14. Piece of cake

Meaning: Very easy task

Example: Math homework is a piece of cake for her.

15. Pull someone’s leg

Meaning: Joking with someone

Example: I was just pulling your leg; don’t be mad!

16. Under the weather

Meaning: Feeling ill

Example: I’m staying home today, feel under the weather.

17. Raining cats and dogs

Meaning: Raining very hard

Example: It’s raining cats and dogs; take an umbrella!

18. Beat around the bush

Meaning: Avoid saying directly

Example: Stop beating around the bush and tell me.

19. Cut to the chase

Meaning: Get to the point

Example: Just cut to the chase, what happened?

20. Break the ice

Meaning: Make people feel more comfortable

Example: His joke really helped to break the ice.

cartoon Idioms