By vs Per (What’s the Difference?)

The terms “by” and “per” often cause confusion due to their implications of measurement and process, but they serve distinct purposes in language.

“By” typically denotes an agent performing an action or a method of achieving something. It’s used to express how something is done. In contrast, “per” relates to the idea of distribution or rate, commonly used in contexts involving measurements or proportions.

This subtle distinction helps in choosing the right word to convey precision in processes or quantitative relationships.

Definition and Usage of “By”

“By” is a preposition used to indicate the agent performing an action or the method through which something is accomplished.

Usage and Examples:

  1. Agent performing an action: “By” is used to specify who or what is responsible for an action.
    • Example: The cake was eaten by the children.
  2. Means or method: It denotes the method or process used to achieve something.
    • Example: She traveled by train.
  3. Passing through or near: It can also indicate movement past a location.
    • Example: He walked by the store on his way home.
  4. Measure of extent or limit: Used in expressions of time or amount.
    • Example: By 5 o’clock, they had finished the project.

Definition and Usage of “Per”

“Per” is a preposition used to express a rate, proportion, or allocation in relation to another value.

Usage and Examples:

  1. Rate or proportion: It is often used in statistical or financial contexts to denote frequency or allocation.
    • Example: They were paid $10 per hour of work.
  2. According to or as stated by: In legal or formal documents, “per” can denote accordance with something.
    • Example: Per the agreement, the tenant must not keep pets.
  3. Per unit of measurement: Common in business and science, where it indicates a ratio.
    • Example: Gasoline consumption is often measured in liters per kilometer.

By vs Per