Birds Names that Start With U

Birds Names that Start With U

birds names that start with u

Looking for a list of English birds with U? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll take you through list of different birds beginning with U, with information on each one. So whether you’re a bird enthusiast or just looking to broaden your knowledge, this blog is for you.

List of birds starting with u

  • Usambara Weaver
  • Ursula’s Sunbird
  • Ural Owl
  • Upland Pipit
  • Upland Antshrike
  • Uniform Crake
  • Unicoloured Thrush
  • Undulated Tinamou
  • Undulated Antpitta
  • Uhehe Fiscal

20 Common Birds Beginning With U and Pictures

Ural Owl Ural Owl
Umbrellabird Umbrellabird
Unicolored Jay Unicolored Jay
Undulated Antpitta Undulated Antpitta
Upland Buzzard Upland Buzzard
Uguisu Uguisu bird
Upland Sandpiper Upland Sandpiper
Umber-headed Tody-Flycatcher Umber headed Tody Flycatcher
Ultra-marine Flycatcher Ultra marine Flycatcher
Udzungwa Partridge Udzungwa Partridge
Upland Goose Upland Goose
Uralian Owl Uralian Owl
Unstreaked Tit Unstreaked Tit
Unstreaked Antwren Unstreaked Antwren
Ultramarine Lorikeet Ultramarine Lorikeet
Ugandan Woodland Warbler Ugandan Woodland Warbler
Unadorned Flycatcher Unadorned Flycatcher
Unicolored Blackbird Unicolored Blackbird
Unspotted Saw-whet Owl Unspotted Saw whet Owl

Detailed Birds Names with U

Ural Owl

The Ural Owl is a medium-sized owl found in the forests of Europe and Asia. It has a distinctive appearance with a round head, prominent facial disc, and black eyes. The Ural Owl feeds primarily on small mammals and birds and nests in tree cavities.


The Umbrellabird is a large, black bird found in the rainforests of Central and South America. It has a unique appearance with a large, umbrella-shaped crest on its head, and males have a distinctive throat sac that they inflate during courtship displays.

Unicolored Jay

The Unicolored Jay is a small, grayish-blue bird found in the forests of Central and South America. It has a distinct crest on its head and a long, pointed tail. The Unicolored Jay is omnivorous and feeds on fruits, insects, and small animals.

Undulated Antpitta

The Undulated Antpitta is a small, plump bird found in the forests of South America. It has a brown and white striped pattern on its head and a distinctive undulating flight pattern. The Undulated Antpitta feeds on insects and small invertebrates on the forest floor.

Upland Buzzard

The Upland Buzzard is a medium-sized bird of prey found in parts of Europe and Asia. It has a brown and white pattern on its underside and feeds primarily on small mammals and birds. The Upland Buzzard is known for its distinctive mewing call.


The Uguisu, also known as the Japanese Bush Warbler, is a small, olive-green bird found in Japan. It is known for its distinctive song, which is considered a symbol of spring in Japan. The Uguisu feeds on insects and spiders.

Upland Sandpiper

The Upland Sandpiper is a medium-sized bird found in grasslands and prairies of North America. It has a distinctive long neck and legs and a mottled brown and white pattern on its back. The Upland Sandpiper feeds on insects and small invertebrates.

Umber-headed Tody-Flycatcher

The Umber-headed Tody-Flycatcher is a small bird found in the forests of Central and South America. It has a distinctive reddish-brown head and feeds primarily on insects and spiders.

Ultra-marine Flycatcher

The Ultra-marine Flycatcher is a small bird found in the forests of Southeast Asia. It has a bright blue plumage and feeds on insects and small invertebrates.

Udzungwa Partridge

The Udzungwa Partridge is a small, ground-dwelling bird found only in the forests of the Udzungwa Mountains in Tanzania. It has a distinctive black-and-white striped pattern on its head and feeds on insects and small invertebrates.

Upland Goose

The Upland Goose is a large, dark-gray bird found in the grasslands of South America. It feeds primarily on grasses and other vegetation and nests on the ground.

Uralian Owl

The Uralian Owl is a large owl found in the forests of northern Europe and Asia. It has a distinctive round head and prominent facial disc and feeds primarily on small mammals and birds.

Unstreaked Tit

The Unstreaked Tit is a small bird found in the forests of Asia. It has brown and gray plumage and lacks the streaked pattern found in many other tit species.

Unstreaked Antwren

The Unstreaked Antwren is a small, insectivorous bird found in the forests of South America. It has black and white plumage and feeds on insects and other small invertebrates.

Ultramarine Lorikeet

The Ultramarine Lorikeet is a small, brightly colored parrot found in the forests of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. It has a bright blue and green plumage and feeds on nectar and pollen.

Uniform Crake

The Uniform Crake is a small, secretive bird found in wetlands and marshes of Africa and Asia. It has brown and black plumage and feeds on insects, seeds, and other small invertebrates.

Ugandan Woodland Warbler

The Ugandan Woodland Warbler is a small, insectivorous bird found in the forests of East Africa. It has a gray and olive plumage and feeds on insects and other small invertebrates.

Unadorned Flycatcher

The Unadorned Flycatcher is a small bird found in the forests of South America. It has brown and gray plumage and feeds on insects and other small invertebrates.

Unicolored Blackbird

The Unicolored Blackbird is a medium-sized bird found in the forests and grasslands of South America. It has black plumage and feeds on insects, fruits, and seeds.

Unspotted Saw-whet Owl

The Unspotted Saw-whet Owl is a small owl found in the forests of North America. It has brown and white plumage and feeds on small mammals and birds. Despite its name, it does sometimes have spotted plumage.

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