100+ Birds Names that Start With I

Birds Names that Start With I

birds names that start with i

Are you looking for a list of English birds with I? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll take you through the list of birds beginning with I, with information on each one. So whether you’re a bird enthusiast or just looking to broaden your knowledge, this blog is for you.

Popular birds starting with I

  • Ivory Gull
  • Inca Dove
  • Ivory-breasted Pitta
  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker
  • Ivory-billed woodcreeper
  • Ivory-billed Aracari
  • Ivory-backed Woodswallow
  • Ivory gull
  • Ituri Owlet
  • Itatiaia Thistletail
  • Island Thrush
  • Island Rufous Fantail
  • Island Monarch
  • Island Leaf Warbler
  • Island Imperial-Pigeon
  • Island Canary
  • Isabelline Wheatear
  • Isabelline Waterhen
  • Isabella Oriole
  • Iris Lorikeet
  • Iris Glossy-Starling
  • Iringa Akalat
  • Irena cyanogastra
  • Iraq Babbler
  • Invisible Rail
  • Intermediate Egret
  • Inquisivi Spinetail
  • Indonesian Cuckoo Dove
  • Indonesian Cuckoo
  • Indochinese Cuckooshrike
  • Indigo-winged Parrot
  • Indigo-capped Hummingbird
  • Indigo-banded Kingfisher
  • Indigo Flycatcher
  • Indigo Bunting
  • Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
  • Indian White-backed Vulture
  • Indian Vulture
  • Indian tree-pipit
  • Indian Skimmer
  • Indian Scops-Owl
  • Indian Roller
  • Indian Pond Heron
  • Indian Pitta
  • Indian Peafowl
  • Indian Nightjar
  • Indian mynah
  • Indian Long-tailed Nightjar
  • Indian House Crow
  • Indian Honeyguide
  • Indian hill mynah
  • Indian Grey-Hornbill
  • Indian Eagle Owl
  • Indian Courser
  • Indian Cormorant
  • Indian Cliff Swallow
  • Indian Chat
  • Indian Bushlark
  • Indian Blue Robin
  • Incana incana
  • Inca Wren
  • Inca Tern
  • Inca Leptopogon
  • Inca jay
  • Inca Dove
  • Inaccessible Island Rail
  • Imperial woodpecker
  • Imperial Snipe
  • Imperial Shag
  • Imperial Heron
  • Imperial Amazon
  • Immaculate Wren-Babbler
  • Immaculate Antbird
  • Imitator Sparrow Hawk
  • Ijima’s Leaf Warbler
  • Ihering’s Antwren
  • Ifrit
  • Icterine Warbler
  • Icterine Greenbul
  • Iceland Gull
  • Iceland falcon
  • Ibisbill
  • Ibadan Malimbe
  • Iago Sparrow

20 Common Birds Beginning With I and Pictures

Ivory Gull Ivory Gull
Indigo Bunting Indigo Bunting
Inca Dove Inca Dove
Indian Peafowl Indian Peafowl
Iiwi Iiwi
Island Canary Island Canary
Island Scrub-Jay Island Scrub Jay
Ivory-billed Woodpecker Ivory billed Woodpecker
Isabelline Wheatear Isabelline Wheatear
Icterine Warbler Icterine Warbler
Indian Pond-Heron Indian Pond Heron
Iceland Gull Iceland Gull
Imperial Eagle Imperial Eagle
Imperial Woodpecker Imperial Woodpecker
Intermediate Egret Intermediate Egret
Italian Sparrow Italian Sparrow
Iago Sparrow Iago Sparrow
Isabelline Shrike Isabelline Shrike
Ivory-billed Aracari Ivory billed Aracari
Isabelline Warbler Isabelline Warbler

All Birds That Start With I

  • Indian Robin
  • Indian Yellow Tit
  • Indian Weaverbird
  • Indian House Crow
  • Indian Peafowl
  • Iceland Ptarmigan
  • Indochinese Wren-Babbler
  • Indian Pitta
  • Island Grasshopper-Warbler
  • Icterine Bulbul
  • Indian Reed Warbler
  • Inland Dotterel
  • Indian Roller
  • Ivory-breasted Sunbird
  • Isabelline Bush Chat
  • Indian Spot-billed Duck
  • Imperial Shag
  • Indian Golden Oriole
  • Ivory-throated Cotinga
  • Island Scrub Jay
  • Indian Blackbird
  • Imperial Eagle
  • Ibis
  • Inca Tern
  • Ivory-tailed Glossy-Starling
  • Indonesian Cuckoo
  • Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
  • Izu Green Pigeon
  • Isabelline Wheatear
  • Indian Bush Lark
  • Iiwi
  • Indian River Tern
  • Indochinese Cuckoo-Shrike
  • Intermediate Egret
  • Island Canary-Yellow Wagtail
  • Indian Robin-Chats
  • Island Scrub-Jay
  • Island Thrush
  • Island Flycatcher
  • Indian Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl
  • Izu Tit
  • Island Canary-Serin
  • Island Imperial-Pigeon
  • Indian Paradise Flycatcher
  • Indian Cuckoo
  • Isabelline Shrike
  • Island Canary-Whitethroat
  • Indian Junglefowl
  • Indigo Flycatcher
  • Indochinese Barbet
  • Ivory-billed Aracari
  • Indian Grassbird
  • Indian Grey Mongoose
  • Indochinese Warbler
  • Indigo Bunting
  • Imperial-Pigeon
  • Indian Blue Robin
  • Indian Scimitar-Babbler
  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker
  • Indian Cormorant
  • Indigo-bellied Parrot
  • Island Leaf Warbler
  • Indian Little Cormorant
  • Inland Thornbill
  • Ivory-backed Woodswallow
  • Ivory-billed Woodcreeper
  • Isabelline Bush-Hen
  • Indochinese Bushlark
  • Ivory-tailed Glossy Starling
  • Ivory Gull
  • Indian Serin
  • Indian Sarus Crane
  • Ivory-billed Coua
  • Indian Grey Hornbill
  • Indian Nightingale
  • Indian Silverbill
  • Indian Swiftlet
  • Island Monarch
  • Ijima’s Leaf-Warbler
  • Ivory-breasted Pitta
  • Indian Vulture
  • Icterine Warbler
  • Ivory-billed Coucal
  • Indian Spotted Eagle
  • Indian Scops Owl
  • Island Canary
  • Island Collared Dove
  • Inca Dove
  • Indochinese Fulvetta
  • Indigo-winged Parrot
  • Indian Courser
  • Island Canary-Flycatcher
  • Indian Albatross
  • Indian Pond Heron
  • Ivory-headed Parakeet
  • Ivory-headed Laughingthrush
  • Indian Treepie
  • Indian Pygmy Woodpecker
  • Izu Thrush
  • Ivory-headed Woodpecker
  • Indochinese Green Magpie
  • Ivory-headed Parrot
  • Isthmian Wren
  • Indigo-crowned Quail-Dove
  • Indian Red-headed Vulture
  • Inca Jay
  • Isabelline Oriole
  • Icterine Greenbul
  • Indian Peafowl-Pheasant
  • Isabelline Warbler
  • Ibisbill
  • Indian Eagle-Owl
  • Iceland Gull
  • Indian Thick-knee
  • Indian Nightjar

Detailed Birds Names with I

Ivory Gull

The Ivory Gull is a beautiful bird that is native to the Arctic region. It has snow-white plumage and a black bill, and it feeds on fish and invertebrates.

Indigo Bunting

The Indigo Bunting is a small bird that is found in North America. The male has bright blue plumage, while the female is brown. They are known for their beautiful song.

Inca Dove

The Inca Dove is a small bird that is native to South America. It has brown and gray plumage and a distinctive call that sounds like “no hope”.

Indian Peafowl

The Indian Peafowl, also known as the peacock, is a large and colorful bird that is native to South Asia. The male has beautiful iridescent blue and green plumage, while the female is brown.


The Iiwi is a small bird that is native to Hawaii. It has bright red plumage and feeds on nectar from flowers.

Island Canary

The Island Canary is a small bird that is native to the Canary Islands. It has yellow and brown plumage and is often kept as a pet.

Island Scrub-Jay

The Island Scrub-Jay is a bird that is native to the Channel Islands of California. It has blue and gray plumage and is known for its intelligence.

Ivory-billed Woodpecker

The Ivory-billed Woodpecker is a large and rare bird that is native to the southeastern United States. It has black and white plumage and a distinctive red crest.

Isabelline Wheatear

The Isabelline Wheatear is a small bird that is found in North Africa and Central Asia. It has sandy-brown plumage and feeds on insects.

Icterine Warbler

The Icterine Warbler is a small bird that is found in Europe and Asia. It has yellow and green plumage and is known for its beautiful song.

Indian Pond-Heron

The Indian Pond Heron is a small heron that is native to South Asia. It has gray and white plumage and feeds on fish and invertebrates.

Iceland Gull

The Iceland Gull is a bird that is found in the Arctic region. It has white plumage and is known for its ability to survive in extremely cold temperatures.

Imperial Eagle

The Imperial Eagle is a large bird of prey that is found in Europe and Asia. It has brown plumage and is known for its powerful talons.

Imperial Woodpecker

The Imperial Woodpecker was a large woodpecker that was native to Mexico. It is now considered extinct due to habitat loss.

Intermediate Egret

The Intermediate Egret is a medium-sized heron that is found in Asia and Australia. It has white plumage and feeds on fish and invertebrates.

Italian Sparrow

The Italian Sparrow is a small bird that is native to Italy and surrounding areas. It has brown and gray plumage and is often found in urban areas.

Iago Sparrow

The Iago Sparrow is a small bird that is native to the Cape Verde Islands. It has brown and white plumage and feeds on seeds and insects.

Isabelline Shrike

The Isabelline Shrike is a bird of prey that is found in Asia and Africa. It has brown and white plumage and is known for its sharp beak, which it uses to catch small insects and other prey.

Ivory-billed Aracari

The Ivory-billed Aracari is a small toucan that is found in South America. It has black and white plumage and a bright yellow and red bill.

Isabelline Warbler

The Isabelline Warbler is a small bird that is found in Asia and Europe. It has brown and gray plumage and is known for its beautiful song.

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