Beer Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Beer is a popular drink enjoyed by many people around the world. But did you know that there are many common sayings, or idioms, that mention beer? This blog post will explore some fun and interesting beer-related idioms. Even kids can understand them because we’ll explain them simply.

Beer Idioms

Here are 20 beer idioms in English with the meaning and an example sentence for each.

1. Spill the beer

Meaning: Reveal secrets unintentionally
Example: Oops, I just spilled the beer.

2. Brewpub bragging

Meaning: Boasting in a bar
Example: His brewpub bragging was annoying.

3. Crying in your beer

Meaning: Feeling sorry for oneself
Example: Stop crying in your beer and act!

4. Beer and skittles

Meaning: Fun and enjoyable times
Example: Life isn’t all beer and skittles.

5. Beer goggles

Meaning: Finding people more attractive after drinking
Example: He’s definitely wearing beer goggles.

6. Beer on the wall

Meaning: Plenty of options available
Example: We’ve got 99 beers on the wall.

7. Buy a round

Meaning: Purchase a drink for each person present
Example: It’s your turn to buy a round.

8. Hold my beer

Meaning: Watch me do something impressive or foolish
Example: Hold my beer, I got this!

9. One for the road

Meaning: A final drink before leaving
Example: Let’s have one for the road.

10. Full as a goog

Meaning: Very drunk
Example: He was full as a goog by 9 PM.

11. Beer belly

Meaning: A large stomach from drinking too much beer
Example: He gained a beer belly recently.

12. Warm beer

Meaning: Something undesirable or disappointing
Example: This news is as welcome as warm beer.

13. That’s the beer talking

Meaning: Blaming statements on alcohol
Example: Ignore him, that’s the beer talking.

14. Like a brewery

Meaning: Smelling strongly of beer
Example: His car smells like a brewery.

15. Beer muscles

Meaning: False confidence from drinking
Example: He’s got beer muscles tonight.

16. Beer o’clock

Meaning: Time to start drinking
Example: It’s finally beer o’clock!

17. All foam, no beer

Meaning: All talk and no substance
Example: His promises are all foam, no beer.

18. Beer me

Meaning: Pass me a beer
Example: Hey, could you beer me?

19. Brew up trouble

Meaning: Create problems
Example: He likes to brew up trouble.

20. Tap into something

Meaning: Access a resource or quality
Example: Let’s tap into some local beer.

Beer Idioms