Bear Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on bear idioms! We’ll explore sayings involving bears, explaining what they mean and how you can use them in sentences.

Bear Idioms

Here are 20 bear idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

1. Bear with me

Meaning: Please be patient

Example: Bear with me while I find the keys.

2. Bear the brunt

Meaning: Suffer the worst part

Example: He bore the brunt of the blame.

3. Bear fruit

Meaning: Produce results

Example: Her efforts soon bore fruit.

4. Grin and bear it

Meaning: Endure a bad situation

Example: Just grin and bear it until help arrives.

5. Bear in mind

Meaning: Remember, consider

Example: Bear in mind that roads are slippery.

6. Bear the cost

Meaning: Pay for something

Example: She bore the cost of the repairs.

7. Loaded for bear

Meaning: Fully prepared, ready

Example: He came loaded for bear at the meeting.

8. Bear no malice

Meaning: Hold no grudge

Example: I bear no malice towards him.

9. Bear witness

Meaning: Give evidence

Example: She will bear witness at the trial.

10. Bear a resemblance

Meaning: Look alike

Example: They bear a strong resemblance to each other.

11. Bear one’s soul

Meaning: Reveal one’s thoughts

Example: He bared his soul in the letter.

12. Bear the stamp of

Meaning: Show signs of

Example: His style bears the stamp of genius.

13. Bear arms

Meaning: Carry weapons

Example: They have the right to bear arms.

14. Bear away

Meaning: Win, carry off

Example: He bore away the first prize.

15. Can’t bear

Meaning: Unable to tolerate

Example: I can’t bear this noise anymore.

16. Bear down on

Meaning: Move towards something

Example: The storm bore down on the coast.

17. Bear up under

Meaning: Manage to endure

Example: She bore up under the stress well.

18. Bear out

Meaning: Confirm, support

Example: The facts bear out his story.

19. Bear gifts

Meaning: Bring presents

Example: They came to the party bearing gifts.

20. Bear the cross

Meaning: Suffer troubles

Example: He bears his cross with dignity.

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Bear Idioms