Advice vs Suggestion (What’s the Difference?)

Advice and suggestion are similar in concept, but they have nuanced differences. Advice usually conveys a more authoritative tone, offering guidance based on expertise or experience. It often implies that the advice-giver believes their recommendation should be followed.

Suggestions, on the other hand, are presented in a more neutral tone, offering ideas or proposals for consideration. They allow the recipient to weigh their options and choose freely. While advice is often sought in formal or critical situations, suggestions are more informal and open-ended.


  • Definition: Advice is a recommendation or opinion offered to guide someone in making decisions. It is often based on knowledge or experience and intended to help solve a problem or navigate a situation.
  • Usage:
    • Formal situations: Advice is often given in professional or formal contexts. For instance, financial advisors offer investment advice based on their expertise.
    • Critical decisions: It is commonly sought when people need help making important decisions, like career advice from a mentor.
    • Moral or ethical guidance: Advice can also refer to ethical or moral guidance, like a parent advising a child on life decisions.
    • Examples:
      • “The doctor gave her advice on how to manage her condition.”
      • “She sought advice from a career coach before switching jobs.”


  • Definition: A suggestion is an idea or proposal offered for consideration. Unlike advice, it doesn’t necessarily imply expertise or that the recipient should act on it.
  • Usage:
    • Informal contexts: Suggestions are often shared among friends or colleagues in casual discussions.
    • Brainstorming or creativity: They are also common in brainstorming sessions, where participants are encouraged to share suggestions freely.
    • Feedback: Suggestions can be provided as feedback, such as suggesting improvements in a project.
    • Examples:
      • “He made a suggestion to improve the team’s workflow.”
      • “She offered a suggestion on where to go for dinner.”

Advice vs Suggestion