100 Abbreviation for Texting – 100 Text Abbreviations

Abbreviation for Texting! Texting abbreviations is the key point in your typing speed. If you use Abbreviation for Texting in your text message instead of full words then it will enhance your speed to infinity. If we use abbreviations in our text messaging it will help us to save our time and send your message to another person Faster than a lengthy text. It also helps to talk in code wording. Learn chat abbreviations and a list of abbreviations for students. There is a list of important abbreviations from a to z pdf.

My friend thinks ‘Lol’ means ‘Lots of Love’. She texted me saying, “My dog died”. Lol.”

Fun Stuff To Do Says:

Here are a few other funny answers by readers on what ‘LOL’ means:


Here is the list of commonly used a to z abbreviations list:

Abbreviation for Texting list

ACK Acknowledgment
AUS Are you serious?
CTN Can’t talk now
CWYL Chat with you latter
C&P Copy and Paste
DTR Define the relationship
DUK Do you Know?
FACK Full Acknowledge
GB Good Bye
IDK I don’t know
N/A Not Available / Applicable
OTOH On the other Hand
TBA To be Announced
2N8 Tonight
w00t Whoomp, there it is; Meaning “Hooray”
APP Application
AFK Away from Keyboard
BCOY Big crush on you
CRT Create
DGMW Don’t get me wrong
DL Download
4Uri For your info
FTW Fuck the World / For the Win
IMNSHO In my not so Humble / Honest Opinion
noob n00b Newbie
ROTFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing
CU See you
10 Q Thank you
THX TNX Thanks
WTF What the Fuck
AAMOF As a Matter of Fact
B4 Before
BR Best regards
BTW By the Way
DUR Do you remember?
EOT End of Thread / .. Text / .. Transmission
4AO For adults only
GBU God Bless you!
ICUB I call you Back
ICYMI In Case you missed it
MMW Mark my Words
OT Off Topic
CUO See you Online
SPOC Single Point of Contact
TYVM Thank You Very Much
ACK Acknowledge
AKA Also known as
COS Because
CM Call me
DIY Do it Yourself
DUKM Do you know me?
EOL End of the Lecture
FWIW For what it’s Worth
BDY Happy Birthday
143 I love you
IMO In my Opinion
NOYB None of your Business
RSVP Repondez s’il vous plait (French: Please reply)
TIA Thanks in Advance
WTH What the Hell / What the Heck
B2K BTK Back to Keyboard
BC Be cool
BT Bite this
BIL Brother in law
DH Dear Husband


EMA Email address
EOD End of Discussion
HF Have fun
ITT In this Thread
OMG Oh my God
6k Sick
SCNR Sorry, could not Resist
TTYL Talk to you Later
YMMD You made my Day
FYI / JFYI (Just) For your Information
B/C Because
BF Boyfriend
Cam Camera
CB Coffee break
DIKU Do I know you?
EOBD End of Business Day
EOL End of life
IOW In other Words
NRN No Reply Necessary
9 Parent is watching
RTFM Read the fine Manual
TQ Thank You
YAM Yet Another Meeting
AFAIR As far as I remember / recall
ASAP As soon as possible
BIL Brother in law
CTO Check this out
CYS Check your Settings
DM Direct message
FKA Formerly known as
G2R Go to run
IMHO In my Humble Opinion
LU Love you
NNTR No need to Reply
POV Point of View
10 X Thanks
TGIF Thanks God, its Friday
WRT With Regard to
ATB All the best
AFAIK As far as I know
BIB Boss is back
Dud Dude
FAQ Frequently asked Questions
GF Girl Friend
GL Good Luck
1432 I love you too
IIRC If I Recall / Remember Correctly
NaN Not a Number


PEBKAC Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair
CU See you
CUL See you later
TBC To be Continued / To be Confirmed
WFM Works for Me
BTT Back to Topic
BB Big Brother
BPLM Big person little mind
DBEYR Don’t Believe everything you read
EOM End of Message
E1 Everyone
4YEO FYEO For Your Eyes Only
GN8T Good night
HTH Hope this Helps
LOL Laughing out loud
OP Original Poster, Original Post
SFLR Sorry, for late Reply
TYT Take your Time
W8ng Waiting
YMMV Your Mileage may vary

Infographics (100 Text Abbreviations)

abbreviation for textingabbreviations for texting text abbreviation abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 2 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 6 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 5 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 4 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 2 3 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 7 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 8 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 9 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 10 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 11 abbreviations for texting 12text abbreviation 1 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 13 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 14 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 15 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 16 abbreviations for texting text abbreviation 17

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