100 Examples of Homophones in Sentences English

100 Examples Of Homophones in English! Homophones can be a real pain for ESL students trying to learn English. But what exactly are homophones? Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation as other words but have different meanings, even if they are spelt differently. For example, the words ‘break’ and ‘brake’.

To make things even more confusing, some homophones can also be pronounced differently depending on where you are from! In this blog post, we will take a look at 100 of the most common homophones in English to help you improve your understanding and avoid making mistakes in your writing. Let’s get started!

Homophones with Example Sentences

Here is the list of homophones in example sentences:

  1. Aloud: She read the passage aloud to the class.
  2. Allowed: Pets are not allowed in the hotel.
  3. Ate: She ate her lunch in silence.
  4. Eight: He turned eight last month.
  5. Bare: The walls were bare and needed painting.
  6. Bear: Can you bear the weight of this box?
  7. Base: The sculpture had a marble base.
  8. Bass: The bass line in the song is very strong.
  9. Beat: The heart will beat more rapidly during exercise.
  10. Beet: She added beet to the salad for color.
  11. Berry: She picked a berry from the bush.
  12. Bury: We had to bury the time capsule in the backyard.
  13. Blew: The wind blew strongly all night.
  14. Blue: The sky is a brilliant blue today.
  15. Board: We need to cut this board to finish the project.
  16. Bored: She was bored during the long lecture.
  17. Brake: Press the brake to slow the car down.
  18. Break: Be careful not to break the glass.
  19. Buy: I need to buy groceries for the week.
  20. By: The book was written by a famous author.
  21. Canvas: The artist painted on a large canvas.
  22. Canvass: They plan to canvass the neighbourhood for votes.
  23. Cell: The biology class studied the structure of a cell today.
  24. Sell: They’re going to sell their old car.
  25. Cent: He found a cent on the ground.
  26. Scent: The scent of flowers filled the room.
  27. Cereal: Cereal is a quick breakfast option.
  28. Serial: The police are on the lookout for a serial offender.
  29. Cite: Remember to cite all your sources in the essay.
  30. Sight: The Grand Canyon is a magnificent sight.
  31. Coarse: The fabric was too coarse for a baby’s skin.
  32. Course: The river changed its course after the storm.
  33. Compliment: He paid her a compliment on her cooking.
  34. Complement: The wine is meant to complement the cheese.
  35. Crews: Several construction crews were working on the site.
  36. Cruise: They went on a cruise for their honeymoon.
  37. Currant: She added currant to the cake for a fruity flavor.
  38. Current: The current of the river is very strong here.
  39. Dam: The beavers built a dam across the stream.
  40. Damn: She muttered “damn” when she dropped the plate.
  41. Deer: A deer crossed the road in front of us.
  42. Dear: My dear friend, how have you been?
  43. Die: The old tree will eventually die and fall.
  44. Dye: She decided to dye her hair red.
  45. Doe: A doe was spotted near the forest edge.
  46. Dough: The dough needs to rise before baking.
  47. Dose: The doctor prescribed a dose of medicine.
  48. Doze: He began to doze off during the movie.
  49. Dual: The car has a dual exhaust system.
  50. Duel: They decided to settle their argument with a duel.
  51. Eye: The eye can distinguish millions of colors.
  52. I: I will meet you at noon.
  53. Fair: The county fair comes to town every summer.
  54. Fare: How much is the bus fare to downtown?
  55. Feet: Penguins have webbed feet for swimming.
  56. Feat: Climbing the mountain was an impressive feat.
  57. Flea: The dog was scratching because of a flea.
  58. Flee: The family had to flee their home due to the flood.
  59. Flour: Flour is a key ingredient in baking bread.
  60. Flower: She planted a flower in the garden.
  61. For: This gift is for you.
  62. Four: There are four seasons in a year.
  63. Gait: His gait changed after the injury.
  64. Gate: Close the gate so the dog doesn’t get out.
  65. Genes: Heredity is influenced by our genes.
  66. Jeans: She bought a new pair of jeans.
  67. Grate: Grate the cheese for the pasta.
  68. Great: The movie was great, I highly recommend it.
  69. Guild: The local artisans formed a guild.
  70. Guilt: She felt guilt over forgetting the anniversary.
  71. Hair: She cut her hair short for the summer.
  72. Hare: A hare darted across the field.
  73. Heal: Time will heal most wounds.
  74. Heel: The heel of her shoe broke off.
  75. Hear: Did you hear that noise?
  76. Here: Please sit here next to me.
  77. Hi: She waved and said “Hi” to her neighbor.
  78. High: The kite flew high in the sky.
  79. Hoard: He tends to hoard old newspapers.
  80. Horde: A horde of fans waited outside the concert hall.
  81. Hole: There’s a hole in my sock.
  82. Whole: She ate the whole pizza by herself.
  83. Idle: The car remained idle while he waited.
  84. Idol: Many fans consider him their idol.
  85. In: The cat is in the house.
  86. Inn: They stayed at a quaint inn during their vacation.
  87. Its: The cat licked its paw.
  88. It’s: It’s going to rain later today.
  89. Jam: She spread jam on her toast.
  90. Jamb: The door jamb needed to be repaired.
  91. Knight: The knight rode into battle.
  92. Night: The stars are beautiful at night.
  93. Knot: He tied a knot in the rope.
  94. Not: She is not going to the party.
  95. Know: Do you know the answer?
  96. No: She said no to the proposal.
  97. Lead: She will lead the team on the project.
  98. Led: He led them through the forest.
  99. Leak: The pipe has a small leak.
  100. Leek: She added leek to the soup for flavor.
  101. Lease: They signed a lease for the new apartment today.
  102. Leash: Every morning, she puts the leash on her dog for a walk.
  103. Lessen: Drinking water can lessen the intensity of headaches.
  104. Lesson: Today’s math lesson was about geometric shapes.
  105. Links: This webpage has many useful links to resources.
  106. Lynx: A lynx was spotted in the forest yesterday.
  107. Lo: “Lo and behold!” he exclaimed, discovering the hidden treasure.
  108. Low: The fuel gauge is showing low; we need to find a gas station.
  109. Made: She made a delicious cake for the party.
  110. Maid: The maid comes in twice a week to clean the house.
  111. Mail: Did the mail come yet? I’m expecting a package.
  112. Male: The male lion is known for its majestic mane.
  113. Manner: His polite manner won him many friends.
  114. Manor: The old manor at the hilltop looks haunted.
  115. Meat: For dinner, we’re having grilled meat with vegetables.
  116. Meet: Let’s meet at the café at noon.
  117. Medal: She won a gold medal in the swimming competition.
  118. Meddle: It’s not wise to meddle in others’ affairs.
  119. Missed: He missed the bus and had to walk to school.
  120. Mist: The morning mist made the landscape look magical.
  121. Morning: Every morning, the birds sing beautifully outside my window.
  122. Mourning: The whole town was in mourning after the mayor passed away.
  123. New: She bought a new dress for the party.
  124. Knew: I knew he would be a great success one day.
  125. None: There were none left of the chocolate cookies.
  126. Nun: The nun devoted her life to helping the poor.
  127. Oar: Without an oar, they were stuck in the middle of the lake.
  128. Or: Do you prefer tea or coffee in the morning?
  129. One: She is the one who helped me with the project.
  130. Won: They won the match by a significant margin.
  131. Pair: I need a new pair of shoes for the hike.
  132. Pear: This pear is perfectly ripe and juicy.
  133. Peace: Everyone longs for world peace.
  134. Piece: Could I have a piece of that chocolate cake?
  135. Peak: The peak of the mountain was covered in snow.
  136. Peek: Take a peek inside the box and you’ll find a surprise.
  137. Plain: The plain t-shirt comes in many colors.
  138. Plane: Their plane landed two hours late.
  139. Pray: We pray for good health and happiness.
  140. Prey: The eagle swooped down on its prey.
  141. Principal: The principal announced a new school policy.
  142. Principle: Honesty is an important principle to live by.
  143. Rain: We need rain for the plants to grow.
  144. Reign: The reign of the queen was marked by peace and prosperity.
  145. Right: You were right about the shortcut to the park.
  146. Write: Please write your name on the top of the paper.
  147. Road: The road to the mountains is scenic and winding.
  148. Rode: We rode our bikes through the park yesterday.
  149. Role: She played the lead role in the school play.
  150. Roll: He can do a perfect forward roll.
  151. Sail: They plan to sail around the world.
  152. Sale: There’s a big sale at the mall this weekend.
  153. Scene: The sunset created a beautiful scene at the beach.
  154. Seen: Have you seen my glasses anywhere?
  155. Sea: The sea was calm and clear that day.
  156. See: Can you see the bird on the tree?
  157. Seam: The seam of the dress came undone.
  158. Seem: You seem happy today.
  159. Sole: The sole of my shoe is starting to wear out.
  160. Soul: Music feeds the soul.
  161. Some: Could you give me some advice?
  162. Sum: The sum of 5 and 7 is 12.
  163. Son: Their son is starting school this fall.
  164. Sun: The sun was shining brightly all day.
  165. Stair: Be careful on the stair; it’s a bit loose.
  166. Stare: Don’t stare at people; it’s rude.
  167. Stationary: The car remained stationary at the red light.
  168. Stationery: She bought some stationery to write letters.
  169. Steak: We’re having steak for dinner tonight.
  170. Stake: The vampire was killed with a stake to the heart.
  171. Tail: The dog wagged its tail happily.
  172. Tale: She told us a fascinating tale about her adventures in South America.
  173. Their: Their new house is just down the street.
  174. There: There’s a new café opening on Main Street.
  175. Threw: She threw the ball with impressive precision.
  176. Through: We walked through the park on our way home.
  177. Thyme: A little thyme can really enhance the flavor of the soup.
  178. Time: Do you have the time? I think I’m running late.
  179. To: We’re going to the movies tonight.
  180. Too: That cake was too sweet for my taste.
  181. Toe: I stubbed my toe on the door last night.
  182. Tow: The broken car was towed away.
  183. Waist: The dress fits perfectly around the waist.
  184. Waste: Don’t waste water; it’s a precious resource.
  185. Wait: We had to wait an hour for our table at the restaurant.
  186. Weight: He’s been lifting weights to get in shape.
  187. Way: The way to success is never easy.
  188. Weigh: Can you weigh this package, please?
  189. Weak: After the flu, she felt very weak.
  190. Week: Next week, we’re going on vacation.
  191. Wear: What are you going to wear to the party?
  192. Where: Where did you put my keys?
  193. Weather: The weather has been really unpredictable lately.
  194. Whether: I can’t decide whether to buy the red dress or the blue one.
  195. Which: Which ice cream flavor do you want?
  196. Witch: The story is about a witch who lives in the woods.
  197. Wood: We need to chop more wood for the fireplace.
  198. Would: Would you like some tea?
  199. Your: Your new hairstyle looks great!
  200. You’re: You’re going to love this movie; it’s really funny.

Examples of Homophones in Sentences

100 examples of homophones