Innocence is a concept often associated with purity, simplicity, and lack of guilt. Learning expressions related to innocence can enrich your vocabulary and help you convey this idea more effectively. Here are 20 idioms and phrasal verbs that capture the essence of innocence.
Expressions Related to Innocence
1. A Babe in the Woods
Meaning: Naive person
Example: He’s just a babe in the woods in business.
2. As Pure as the Driven Snow
Meaning: Very innocent
3. Wet Behind the Ears
Meaning: Inexperienced
Example: He’s still wet behind the ears in his job.
4. Innocent as a Lamb
Meaning: Very innocent
Example: The child is innocent as a lamb.
5. A Heart of Gold
Meaning: Very kind
Example: She has a heart of gold.
6. Naive to a Fault
Meaning: Extremely naive
Example: He’s naive to a fault about people’s intentions.
7. Fresh Off the Boat
Meaning: New and inexperienced
Example: She’s fresh off the boat in this industry.
8. Green as Grass
Meaning: Very inexperienced
Example: He’s green as grass in handling clients.
9. In the Dark
Meaning: Unaware
Example: She’s in the dark about office politics.
10. Walk a Straight Line
Meaning: Behave honestly
Example: He always walks a straight line at work.
11. Like a Newborn Babe
Meaning: Very innocent
Example: He’s like a newborn babe in this town.
12. Without a Mean Bone in One’s Body
Meaning: Very kind
Example: She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.
13. Clean Slate
Meaning: Fresh start
Example: He wants to start with a clean slate.
14. All Heart
Meaning: Very kind
Example: She’s all heart when it comes to helping.
15. Eyes Like a Child
Meaning: Innocent perspective
Example: He sees the world with eyes like a child.
16. Wear One’s Heart on One’s Sleeve
Meaning: Openly show emotions
Example: She wears her heart on her sleeve.
17. Play It Straight
Meaning: Act honestly
Example: He always plays it straight in negotiations.
18. Wide-Eyed
Meaning: Naive
Example: She’s wide-eyed about the realities of life.
19. Pure of Heart
Meaning: Innocent and good
Example: He’s pure of heart and intentions.
20. Above Reproach
Meaning: Without guilt
Example: Her actions are always above reproach.